Notify me of new comments via email. This page was last modified on 4 September , at Here you will find terrible puns, cute animals, women in suits, random facts I find interesting, embarrassing enthusiasm about musical theatre, and way too many posts about video games. It is the second album released by Sound Horizon since its major debut, and the first story CD to be released under King Records. In Fantasy Ancient Greece, a pair of twins, Artemisia and Elefseus, are ripped from their idyllic pastoral existence and thrown into a life of slavery, war, and divine machinations.
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Sound Horizon – Elysion ~Rakuen Gensou Monogatari Kumikyoku~ (album)
Tracks 13 to 43 and 45 are all silent tracks, while track 44 contains a brief interaction between El and Abyss.
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Title links go to album zound. ERU no Rakuen [side: An up-and-coming young rock musician gradually reveals his troubled childhood. When They Cry original language: Thus, I am posting it here.
A young Irish man immigrates to the United States in the s and eventually loses touch with his family; a few years later, his sister follows. Computer sound effects in.
Sound Horizon – Elysion ~Rakuen Gensou Monogatari Kumikyoku~ (album) | EJ Translations
Contents 1 Themes and Structure 2 Tracklist 3 Personnel 3. Though presented in a twisted form, love is often the driving force behind the immorality and ruthlessness of many characters in the album. The relationship between moral decay and taboo, specifically those concerned with love, is also explored throughout the album. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: The concepts of 'Paradise' and 'Abyss' - similar, though by no means identical to the more well-known concepts of heaven and hell - play a prominent role in the album, frequently appearing as keywords in various songs.
Eternal Mana Atelier Iris: Email required Address never made public. This page was last modified on 4 Septemberat Contains blatant self-insertion, Miyazawa Kenji references, the Tetris theme, and trash-picking as the ultimate in degradation and degeneracy.

From Eru no Rakuen [side: Vanishing Starlight An up-and-coming young rock musician gradually reveals his troubled childhood. A] El's Paradise [side: If daughters are to become mothers and bear daughters again Then the original sin of losing paradise will be repeated forever Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
Hell in search of his young kumikyoiu, witnessing the stories of other troubled girls along the way. School Idol Project Love Live! This page has been accessed 8, times.
Elysion ~Rakuen Gensou Monogatari Kumikyoku~ - generasia
ERU no Shouzou 6. As with almost all Sound Horizon albums, Elysion toys with the concept of recurrent cycles, certain lyrics implying that the overarching story present in the album is merely one instance based on a larger framework that will be, perhaps, repeated in a different context. Notify me of new posts via email.
This site uses cookies. Contains love making people evil, a super upbeat catchy song about parental incest, and elysikn beginning of a long love affair with slightly mangled Greek mythology. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.
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Contains a duet with a dog, closure for one of the stories from Elysion at least according to some theoriesa secret code, and far too many people named Laurant. Retrieved from " http: Contains completely invented pseudo-Greek mythology, abundant references to real Greek mythology just to be extra mnogatariextreme fatalism, and pretty choral singing.
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